Wednesday, 25 May 2011

DeRose Method of Yoga - South Kensington, London

It's been a year since  DeRose opened in South Kensington, London.
We have had the pleasure of being members for about 2 months now.
We just love everything about the school; the people, the instructors, the ginger tea... 
It's a needed everyday getaway for boosting energy, concentration and peace of mind.

What is The DeRose Method
"The DeRose Method is a proposal of life style coaching emphasizing good quality of life, good manners, good human relations, good culture, good nourishment and good shape. Some of our tools are breathing re-education, stress management, physical techniques that improve muscle tone and flexibility, procedures for the advancement in relaxation and mental concentration. All of which ultimately aims at the expansion of lucidity and self-knowledge," Master DeRose.

Currently the DeRose Method counts with over 300 schools and thousands of practitioners throughout the world including Paris, New York, Barcelona, Rome, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Lisbon, Buenos Aires and now London

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