Thursday, 30 June 2011

The Power of Meditation

Are you meditating at least 20 minutes each day? If not, you should be.
So what is Meditation?

Meditation is a period of time in which your thoughts flow free of judgment. It is a period of time in which you can just “be.” Meditation is a doorway  for you to explore your spirituality. Meditation is a time in which you become in-sync with your true-self. Meditation is a time in which your conscious mind is able to recharge after being constantly bombarded with the every day life. Meditation is the process of connecting with the energy of humanity.


Select some portion of the day in which to meditate. The best time is the very early morning when the spirit of repose is upon everything. All natural conditions will then be in your favor; the passions, after the long bodily fast of the night, will be subdued, the excitements and worries of the previous day will have died away, and the mind, strong and yet restful, will be receptive to spiritual instruction. 

No saint, no holy man, no teacher of Truth ever lived who did not rise early in the morning. Jesus habitually rose early, and climbed the solitary mountains to engage in holy communion. Buddha always rose an hour before sunrise and engaged in meditation, and all his disciples were enjoined to do the same.

I know it can be tough, I'm not a "professional" at it. Nevertheless, I've been trying my best to meditate in a daily bases. It has been great. I feel more energetic, focus and calm.
Sometimes, I meditate for about 20 minutes in the morning before going to work. 
Twice a week, during my full body massage, I meditate deeply. When my body is relaxed, my mind is calm, I get in sync with my thoughts and ideas and I feel the connection between my body and soul. It's simply amazing.

My Experience With Meditation:

Oneness is a wonderful benefit of meditation.When I am in a deep state of meditation I can’t help but feel connected to the entire world because meditation is the flow of thoughts without judgment. It often takes me some time to reach this state but when I do, I feel connected to everything and everyone. 

Your intentions quickly manifest when your mind is calm, therefore meditation is a perfect time to send out your intentions. I personally enjoy sending out my intentions during my meditations. While meditating, I often find my "authentic intentions..." So, I try sharing them with the world.

Sometimes during my meditations I like to give thanks. I simply send out a simple intention, thanking the world for all it has given me. It leaves me a great feeling of being blessed. it is very gratifying.

During meditation, I also take some time to visualize my ideal state of being. I picture myself in my ideal life. The power of imagination is extraordinary. Simply picturing yourself in your ideal state can do wonders for your health and well being. My visualizations often leave me feeling powerful and strong. If you had the “perfect” life what would it be like? How’s your health? Your relationships? Are you financially independent? Take some time to imagine your ideal life.

"Not paying attention keeps us in an endless cycle of wanting. 
We move on to the next thing because we aren't really taking in what we already have; inattention creates an escalating need for stimulation. 
When we're keenly aware of what's happening, we don't need to grasp for the next great moment of sensation or taste or sound (all the while missing what's actually here, right in front of us). 
Nor do we need to postpone our feeling of happiness until a more exciting or more pleasing object comes along..."
"Real Happiness: The Power of Meditation" by Sharon Salzberg. 

We live in a world of constant stimulation. We push ourselves to the limits and in the process forget to let our mind and soul recharge,and as a result we  become stressed and sick. It doesn’t have to be that way. Life is meant to be enjoyed. Meditate today.
I hope you enjoy this simple yet complex message.

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Black & Blue

A noite me acompanha
Como uma moça sem vergonha
Apanhada de calor
Com seu jeito sedutor

A vida me ensina
A morte traz a dica
Que a noite alucina
E o dia irradia

O amor é cego
Quando tenho você por perto
E quando se sente ao ego
Meu coração sai de perto

Sei quem sou
Sei que serei
Sei que não estou
Mas sei quem quero ser.


... Black&Blue

A noite me acompanha
Como uma moça sem vergonha
Apanhada de calor
Com seu jeito sedutor

A vida me ensina
A morte traz a dica
Que a noite alucina
E o dia irradia

O amor é cego
Quando tenho você por perto
E quando se sente ao ego
Meu coração sai de perto

Sei quem sou
Sei que serei
Sei que não estou
Mas sei quem quero ser.


Friday, 24 June 2011

Get out of your COMFORT ZONE because the worst is never that bad!

Lately I've been reading a lot about people who have followed their heart and ended up finding what they were looking for. However, what do I mean by that?

Us humans have something in common; we all have dreams and aspirations. We wish upon a star, we day dream, we paint dreams, we wrap our troubles in our dreams, sometimes we have unrealistic dreams but we hold on to them and keep on dreaming.
Some of us want to be
loved. Some want to be rich. Some want to learn French. Some want to change professions, or get a divorce.

Where do all these desires come from?
In my opinion, they come from within, from deep in your core. But why us human beings don't act on our desires as much as we would like? What is holding us back? Why are we so scared? When the time to make important decisions in life comes, are we choosing what we really desire or what is known as right?  Are we opting for a profession based on the financial or personal satisfaction? Are we marrying the Mr. Right Guyor the man we love and make us happy? Why not to learn French or become famous if that's what you wish...

The problem is that we are all
scared and the lack of confidence doesn't allow people to follow their dreams. The development of self-esteem feelings starts very early in life.  For example, back home, every parent is proud to hear when their kids says they want to become a lawyer or a doctor (well, here is no different). Why? Because normally in Brazil you can make money with these professions but what if their kid says that they want to be an actor? Most likely the parents would encourage him or her to focus on a profession that brings good financial return and study acting on the side. The problem is there is no such thing as doing something on the side. Once you start getting involved with a profession or relationship your energy and emotions are concentrated to make that work. So, if the relationship is not exactly the relationship you aspire or if profession you chose is not the profession you love, guess what is going to end up happening? You will eventually get frustrated, not motivated, unhappy and ready for a change because at that point you probably have achieved your ‘comfort zone.’

Most of us live
day in and out inside of our comfort zone and let's face it - we are all scared of stepping out of it. The ultimate challenge is to step away, yet this first single step can be the hardest. Sometimes it feels nearly impossible to do it when the majority of the world survives off of routine and structure. Well, you should stop and think: "What is the worst that could happen?" I can guarantee you that the worst is NEVER that bad.

We all have to learn how to step away from our comfort zones and enjoy everything life has to offer otherwise whenever we finally decide to make a move it might just be too late. That's when we see parents forcing their own
frustrations in their kids, trying to make them "be" what they wish they "had been,” or worse, it could be mentally so stressful that people could be depressed or even get cancer! Then, everything becomes a cycle, an unhealthy cycle, one thing leads to another and problems start to arise.

How can you find the cure? By finding the cause
; finding out what doesn't make you happy and changing it - is that simple!! Doing what you love and worrying less about what people are going to think or say. Satisfaction has to come from within.
Always remember - What's the worst that could happen?

People that suddenly decided to change their lives in search of happiness
have always fascinated me. Elizabeth Gilbert, the author of the memoir ‘Eat, Pray and Love’ is an example, she would never had found herself and what she wanted from life if she hadn’t made a "move" - ask for a divorce, take a year off from work and go around the world living life to the fullest. Obviously, not all of us have the luxury of doing that. Nevertheless we can all start from somewhere.

Andrea Bocelli loved music and singing his whole life but didn’t really see it as a career possibility so he got a law degree from the University of Pisa. At the age of 34 he decided to do what he always loved and became very
successful at it.

Believe in the voice that comes from within
. Get out of your comfort zone and have the courage to run after what you believe. Life is too short - Don't be afraid of changes. You have the power of making crushing events into opportunities as long as you are not scared.

Thanks Angelina - Love you! 

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Sobre casamento, amor, e tudo o que há de belo...

Todas as pessoas sentem um enorme desejo de encontrar sua outra metade.
Isso faz parte do nosso cotidiano e da cabeça do mundo.
Olho muito casais e aparentemente eles parecem-me felizes.
Mas não sabemos o que se passa no dia-a-dia de cada um.
Quando somos dois o trabalho e preocupação é dobrado, porém há alguém para dividirmos os acontecimentos.
Quando nos tornamos uma família aí então que aumenta tudo ao redor.
Mas por outro lado, como é aconchegante ter alguém para encostarmos no peito, respirar profundamente, fazer amor, dizer palavras carinhosas como um eu te amo...
Quando amamos, desejamos que a outra pessoa torne-se melhor, mais consciente e produtiva.
Normalmente vivemos nos nossos próprios mundos, e quando aparece alguém, acrescenta-nos as vivências de outro universo completamente diferente. É uma experiencia bem deliciosa e evolutiva. As pessoas deveriam procurar seus pares com a intenção de evoluirem juntos, para a profunda elevação do ser.
Todos nós percebemos quando alguém está a amar. Os olhos brilham, o sorriso sai fácilmente, a paz engloba a pessoa, o cabelo brilha mais forte e o principal: o coração fica espontaneamente aberto.
Se conseguíssemos permanecer com o coração aberto.. A vida com certeza seria bem prazerosa. Tudo de mais surpreendente acontece quando estamos de coração abertos ao mundo, pessoas, experiências, harmonia e felicidade.
A vida tem tantos desencontros e vicissitudes que torna-se difícil permanecermos abertos. Mas ao longo do tempo acabamos a descobrir algumas dicas de como mantermo-nos receptivos:

1. PENSAMENTO POSITIVO - Estar consciente dos pensamentos e quando sentir aquela nuvenzinha
negra, apagá-la o mais rápido possível repetindo afirmações opostas à ela. Repita três ou quantas
vezes achar necessário. No começo pode ser difícil, pois nem se quer reconhecemos da onde esses
pensamentos originam-se. Mas com a prática fica muito bacana e prazeroso.

2. YôGA - é um exercício maravilhoso e surpreendente. Confesso que já chorei algumas vezes no final
da prática ao fazer a meditação. A sensação é de olharmos algo mais profundo e claro dentro de nós,
um sentimento muito puro e confortável, algo que não tinhamos nos dado conta anteriormente.
A atenção localiza-se no coração e é leve como uma planta. Sentimos uma libertação.
Indico o Método DeRose, a escola mais técnica e séria que conheço.

3. EXERCÍCIOS - Posturas flexionadas para trás que abrem o peito, porém não esqueça de compensá-las
flexionando para frente.

 foto desconhecida - Bhujangásana
Alix tentando um Chacrásana em Recife...

foto desconhecida - uttanásana (para compensar)

4. DANÇA - Dançar melhora nossa auto estima, corpo e concentração.
Nos faz indivíduos melhores e mais felizes. É divertido e entramos em contato com nossa natureza.
Aí como é bom dançar! E não diga que não sabes - até um bebê de poucos meses ao escutar uma
música não consegue ficar parado....

5. AMOR - Amar! A palavra pode soar um pouco clichê, mas amar é o melhor caminho para um coração pleno. Ame sua família, amigos, companheiros, ame uma criança, sorria, relaxe, coma bem, medite.
Os bons olhos são a chave para um mundo melhor. Tente amar até as coisas que não se tem afinidade
ou compreensão. Assim cria-se um link entre você e o desconhecido.

Abra-se para o mundo, para a flor, para paisagens, para artes, sorrisos e a vida.
O caminho pode ser tortuoso, mas quando tornamo-nos conscientes que o resultado e vivências só
dependem de nós, tudo soa mais fácil e independente.
Aproveite a jornada com flores e rosas... torne-se alguém mais feliz e agradável!
A vida é um eterno aprimoramento pessoal...

Obrigada pela leitura,
Espero que tenham gostado desses poucos minutos de lucidez,
que esse texto desperte o que há de melhor em cada um de nós.

Keep open and good journey!

Alix Pinho

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Are Poles = Strippers?

Poles = Strippers?
According to Stigma Tattoo Bar - NO! Actually their "motto" is the opposite.

I wasn't sure what to expect when I booked a Pole Dancing Class for six at Stigma Tattoo Bar. I didn't know anything about the establishment or pole dancing classes. Nevertheless, I had gotten an offer to book the class with a discount through Living Social and I decided to go ahead and book it. All I wanted and expected was to have fun with my girls. I thought that this experience could be something different and fun since going shopping, having lunch, or watching a movie had become old, customary, and boring.

Within hours of booking the class I had announced to the girls that we were going to attend a pole dancing class! Everyone, including myself, was a little nervous and excited. I was amazed to find no resistance from the girls… They’re so brave!
Ticiana, Izi, Ligia, Liliana and Myself

As soon as we arrived at Stigma Tattoo Bar, we encountered an amazing atmosphere, a hip/modern decoration, and a welcoming staff that made all of our nervousness go away as soon as we walked through the main door. There were girls pole dancing, provocative music, and a hospitable bar.

Stigma Tattoo Bar is a bar and tattoo shop. It also offers massages, pierces, pole-dancing classes, and strip and lap dance classes. They even have a large cage located in the middle of the establishment that could fit a lion! Stigma Tattoo bar is located in the heart of Downtown Orlando, where vivid and urban life takes place. Interestingly, none of us had ever been there, which made our experience even more unique and impressive.

As our appointment time came closer, pole dancing felt real. We started to realize that pole dancing is indeed for all, and surely for girls like us that "just want to have fun". We didn’t feel, not even for one second, like we were participating in something dirty, not classy, or outside our comfort zone. In reality, we were very comfortable in trying our best to do pole dancing moves interestingly called “fireman”, “peeling the banana”, and “hook”.

Our beautiful and fit teacher, Riana, provided us with one hour of extreme workout and lots of entertainment. As the class came to an end, we participated in a competition among each other. It was called a “free style” competition where we had to apply our sexy, provocative, and feminine side into what we had learned of pole dancing. It was definitely amusing to watch!

Riana (our teacher)

Beyond any doubt, pole dancing was a taboo for us until we came to Stigma Tattoo Bar, had a class, and had the pleasure to meet the owner Kelly Welsy - a lovely English woman who had a vision. Kelly’s husband is an award winning custom tattoo artist that wanted to open a tattoo shop in Orlando. Consequently, she thought, "why not combine both?" By doing this, Kelly could break the myth of "Poles=Strippers" and bring people together to learn & train the art of pole dancing in a different, happy, and fun workout.

Ligia and I with the owner Kelly Welser

Stigma Tattoo Bar is located at 17 S Orange Ave, Orlando, FL 32801. They’re open everyday from 12pm, Sun 12pm-12am, and Wed-Sat 12pm-2am. For more information please visit

Special thanks to Stigma Staff
Izi and Ariel